Healthcare Analytics

Why You Need a Healthcare Data Analytics Plan and How to Get Started?

healthcare data analytics

Improving patient health and ensuring hospitals get reimbursements on time currently relies on data more than anything else. Creating a healthcare data analytics plan is important in this scenario as physicians and hospitals are struggling to deal with the collection and analysis of data, which needs to be submitted as part of Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) this year. To find out more about the parts of such a plan and how to start creating one within a hospital or healthcare practice read on-

Understanding What a Plan Needs

Creating a healthcare data analytics plan is quite straightforward once providers understand that it first of all needs to be flexible to adapt to changes in regulations. It also needs to help improve the health of patients and provide important details to physicians on the go so that they can make vital treatment decisions.

Securing Approval and Identifying Problems

Getting approval for healthcare analytics even before a plan is drawn up is important, if you want to ensure buy in from leaders in the organization throughout the process. While discussing the plan, common problems such as ways to improve collections and reduce readmissions need to addressed. Also, solutions for getting better patient satisfaction scores need to be outlined. All this will you help identify what type of data needs to be captured.

Employing New Sources of Data

Often when setting up a plan for analytics, previously untapped sources must be used, as data from claims is often not sufficient. New data sources such as EHR/EMR should be given utmost priority as it provides various details about the patient’s health, which are not available in claims data.

Putting Tools into Place for Data Analysis

Collecting data is not enough as it needs to be analyzed and this is where tools that perform predictive analysis and deliver real-time results come into play. Data when run through predictive analytics tools, help physicians make better decisions when dealing with existing medical conditions. Tools also help predict the risk of patients developing diabetes or heart conditions, allowing physicians to implement lifestyle changes in time to prevent their onset. Planning for data analytics therefore needs to include a short list of tools, and vendors who have experience in using them should only be considered in case of outsourcing.

Delivering Insights in Real time

Delivering insights to physicians in real time as they are treating patients is game changing To ensure that actionable data is provided when it is needed, hospitals need to use the right tools and limit the amount of data gathered as it speeds up analytics, and lessens the cost of storing irrelevant information.
Putting a healthcare data analytics plan into place requires clear understanding of the many parts involved in setting it up and this is where we come in. Being an industry leader with more than 13 years of experience, we have what it takes to create a rock solid healthcare analytics plan and put it into action without breaking a sweat.

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